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这个博客的主要目的是, 给功夫英语学员一个集中的位置,来记录自己学会英语旅程中的重要感触,也是让大家每天写“我的英语日记”的好地方。

学英语的时候,记录自己的体验和感触很重要,因为在学习过程中,要记住自己从哪儿来,这样过了一段时间后,能够看到自己的进步。 同时,记录自己在道路上的重要领悟和发现也很重要。

做为一个英语初学者,可以用中文写自己的“英语学习日记”, 主要是记录您的体验的重点。 这个也包括自己的领悟、挑战、有趣的体验、疑惑等。

随着自己的英语越来越强,可以走到用一些英文,一些中文写日记。逐渐就会自然走到完全用英语写日记。 当然,一定是从短和简单的英语开始,然后慢慢增加到可以丰富的沟通。

也可以上传自己说英语的视频,做为自己里程碑的公开记录,每一个视频做为您当天的新基准。 过了几个月之后,回去看看自己以前拍的视频,发现自己提升的地方, 肯定会感到惊喜和喜悦。



  • 自己当天的学习体验
  • 当天的学习重点
  • 突发的对英语用法、单词、结构等的新认识
  • 自己任何新的领悟
  • 晚上发的梦,特别是那些带着英语的梦

当然,最终是您自己的日记! 想写什么,就写什么。




November 29, 2020我的英语写作Last Sunday, I got up at a quarter past seven, I was going to visit my older sister’s family, before leaving, I should have breakfast ok, let’s get started!   Firstly, I put the pot on the stove and poured a lot of water into the pot Secondly, I turned on the gas and lighted it, a few minutes later the water was boiling   Next, I took some noodles out of the cupboard and put them into the boiling pot meanwhile stirring the noodles with the chopsticks.   Five minutes later, I took the noodles out of the boiling pot with the fork and put them into a bowl, it would be better with a bit of salt and olive oil.   Done! let me have a taste firstly, hmm…. it tasted just so-so!   I took the elevator down the first floor, the taxi that I called was waiting for me at the corner of the street, I got in the taxi fast, sat back on the backseat, I put up the car window cause I felt a little cold   When I arrived at my sister’s home, the two young daughters were dancing with each other, they danced very well, the room was full of laughter   Dancing ended they bowed to the audience(i was the only audience, their mom was cooking in the kitchen), and the audience ( me ) applauded the children   And then we started talking and singing, blowing up the balloons and blowing away them. we played games, drew animals and did the other interesting things for all-day   Although I felt really tired when I left, the children were always funny, I had a lot of joys with them.         [...]
April 27, 2019我的英语写作2019年4月27日星期六夜晚雨 好久没有来过这里,我似乎把这里忘了,每天的工作把我的时间和思维填满了,我的身体感到很疲惫,也出现了许多疼痛。今天我看到了一个视频,“How do you spend do time?”,我被里面的内容深深震撼了—- “  How do you spend do time? See whatever you’re doing… However you spend your time. That tells you who you are,so think about what it is you like to create in your life experience. once I look at how you commit your time,once I do an evaluation on how you spend your time,I can tell you exactly what you’re committed to. How much time do you spent working on you? How much time do you spend every day working on your dream.and the last 90 days how many books have you read? and the last year what new skill or knowledge have you acquired? what kind of investment have you made in you? a lot of people as soon as they punch out they rush home to sit on the couch they rushed home to do nothing,they rush home just to sit there and figure out okay I’m going to go sleep do it all tomorrow. you have to give it everything you’ve got,no more TV no more parties no more play if you have a 4.0 what you need to be doing is to study. This is a life class. That means that we have an opportunity to learn how to maximize our lives,think of the things that you’re doing that somebody else could be doing and think of yourself as a precious commodity that you are going to reserve your energy for your highest and best use. all the successful people have the exact same amount of time.that you have each day,so what did they do that you may not be doing, They invested in themselves on the weekends after work in the evening they put time on something that they wanted to do they invested their own time in themselves. we are busier then any other generation we have seen in the last three to four hundred years we are just as busy as we can be and we think because  we’re busy we’re effective,but I want you to challenge your schedule for minute and ask yourself are you? are you really being effective? Or is your life cluttered with all kinds of stuff that demands you and drains you and texted you and stops you from being your highest and best self and are you substituting business and all the chaos that goes along with business from being effective? Nobody is too busy,it’s just a matter of priorities. it takes time to be creative. you were meant to be creative you were created in the likeness and the image of a creator and in that likeness of in that image you have creativity. if you had time you would be creative. the most important thing is to value our time. so what are you going to do with this time,how much of it do you think you’re already used up what are you gonna to today?” 这个视频让我陷入深深地思考,我需要放下许多解决不了的杂事,需要减少不必要的会议和社交,需要放下青春期儿子成长学习过程中出现的问题带给我的焦虑,需要更细致更合理利用自己的碎片时间来学习,我更需要付诸行动锻炼身体改善我的疼痛。 [...]
