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这个博客的主要目的是, 给功夫英语学员一个集中的位置,来记录自己学会英语旅程中的重要感触,也是让大家每天写“我的英语日记”的好地方。

学英语的时候,记录自己的体验和感触很重要,因为在学习过程中,要记住自己从哪儿来,这样过了一段时间后,能够看到自己的进步。 同时,记录自己在道路上的重要领悟和发现也很重要。

做为一个英语初学者,可以用中文写自己的“英语学习日记”, 主要是记录您的体验的重点。 这个也包括自己的领悟、挑战、有趣的体验、疑惑等。

随着自己的英语越来越强,可以走到用一些英文,一些中文写日记。逐渐就会自然走到完全用英语写日记。 当然,一定是从短和简单的英语开始,然后慢慢增加到可以丰富的沟通。

也可以上传自己说英语的视频,做为自己里程碑的公开记录,每一个视频做为您当天的新基准。 过了几个月之后,回去看看自己以前拍的视频,发现自己提升的地方, 肯定会感到惊喜和喜悦。



  • 自己当天的学习体验
  • 当天的学习重点
  • 突发的对英语用法、单词、结构等的新认识
  • 自己任何新的领悟
  • 晚上发的梦,特别是那些带着英语的梦

当然,最终是您自己的日记! 想写什么,就写什么。




January 19, 2025我的英语写作My husband worked overtime today, so I was home alone with our daughter. After breakfast, my husband checked the time on his phone and realized it was time to go to work. At that moment, I was still eating my breakfast. I ate the porridge as quickly as possible because there was no one else to care for our daughter once he left. I might have eaten too much the night before, as I wasn’t very hungry, so I only ate half of a bowl of porridge. I cleaned the table and took the dishes to the kitchen. I washed them and placed them on the dish rack, then closed the kitchen door to prevent my daughter from crawling in.  I played with my daughter in the morning. My dog needed to go outside to pee and poo. After my daughter fell asleep, I turned on the camera so that I could check if she  woke up. I put my dog on a leash, and I put on warm clothes, and then we go out. Today was sunny. You can feel warm sunshine under the sun. But it was a little bit of a strong wind. I thought there was no one else was walking the dog, so I took the leash off and let him run around in the garden.  A few minutes later, we returned home. I found that my daughter was still asleep. So, I started to cook dinner. I opened the fridge to look for vegetables to cook. I decided to cook the bok choy. I put two bowls of water in a pot. Then I washed the vegetables and cut them. I put it into the pot when the water boiling. After about half a minute, I turned off the stove and took the vegetables out of the pot with the chopsticks. Then I place it in the dishes. And I put in a few drops of soy sauce. [...]
August 17, 2020我的英语写作There are various reasons why I wanna learn English. First, I want to travel around the world and English is one of the mean spoken languages in the world. Second, I really want to have deep communications with foreighners, thus learning to speak with more details in English is also a real passion for me. Third, I want to use English to extend my world or to broaden my horizon, as a result, I can see others how to live in different parts of world. As for the meeting I joined with an argument, my mind went back to last summer holiday. In that period, I joint a competition with my group. The competition was about a complete process of a chemical meterial. I believed our samples weren’t enough so we need add or produce more samples. However, my partner didn’t agree with me, as far as he concerned, our samples were enough to deduce the conclusion and we had no time or need to prodoce another sample. In the end, as others in our team didn’t agree with me, I gave up.  In term of Ghost Conflict, it means in communications, the words seem we disagree with others, but behind the words, we acually have the same idea with others. For example, I told my friends we met at the chicken restaurant on the Jiaotong road, however, my friend said we met at the chicken restaurant near the post office. At first, we have no idea about the chicken restaurant in other’s word, finally, we had the agreement about the chicken restautant near the post office on the Jiaotong street. [...]
