★★ The sound of blue whale ★★

Many hundred years ago.

I came to the beach of Aegean sea.

The blue water are waved until touch my feet.

The ocean bird acrossing the waves.

Using the wind and playing happily among the air and water.


A long sound raicing slowly from the sea floor.

I can hear the rare sound that in ten million years onece.

The sound told me he si free.

The world are in his heart.

Oh! Blue whale.

Please give me the power.

I want this just like you.

I swimming in cold water.

The ice mountain can’t block me.

In the moment that I jumped in the water.

I’m free too.

One Response so far.

  1. 龙飞虎 Chris says:

    Wow…hearing that rare sound that comes only once

    In every 10 million years.

    Very nice.

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