Home work for L2b 16
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- Jan, 12, 2020
- By 张屹磊 张屹磊
- 我的英语写作
L2b 16:
Point words and sentence:
Bus ,car ,the tree,on top of, get in the car,get out of the car,get on the bus,get off the bus, climb the tree, climb on top of the tree /bus / train. Put the chair on top of the table. Sit on top of the plane.
When I was a boy,I always interested at everything. I like climb on top of the tree,climb on top of the bus,I wish climb on top of car, I want to climb every thing when I sow like a monkey. Even though I want to sit on top of the plane.
But when I’m gorw up, I would more like to go to every where. Get on the bus,get on the plane,get in my favorite car to go to everywhere I want to. When I arrived the Destination ,when I get out of the car or get off the bus. There’s a smile aways on my face.