
  1. bleach:to make something pale or white,especially by using chemicals the sun.

I have a beautiful red dress.It costs  three thousand.My friend,Jane want to join the party with it.She is my best friend.So I lend her a week.Today she said nervously ‘Your red dress bleached black dress.’OMG.This is my favorite dress.

  1. bland:food that is bland has very little taste.

My husband is hungry.So I decide to cook noodles for him.I open the gas and put the frying pan on the stove,and then I pour some water in the frying pan.Just a few minutes,The water is boiled.I put some noodles in the frying pan.About ten minutes,the noodles are cooked.I taste the soup with the spatula.em…It’s bland.Oh,I forget to put the salt,but my husband doesn’t like it.He said he would like to eat rice and fried vegetable.

  1. blanket:a cover for a bed,usually made of wool.

It’s winter time.The temperature is below 2.It’s cold.I drink hot water and put the blanket on my bed.I hope I have a good dream.

  1. bloom:a flower or flowers

My dad bought a new vase.He pour the water in it.and then put three bloom in it.He put them on the table in the dining room.It’s beautiful.

  1. block:a piece of hard material such as wood or stone with straight sides.

It’s hot.I get the water from the fridge,and then put three blocks of ice in the water.Wow,It’s cool.

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