The sun are set and the sky become deep blue.

The moon just rising from the clouds in the east sky.

Few star are shining weakly look like the eyes of hunan being.

In the wet and darkness night.

There is a man in the hat who sit in the long chair watching his watch nervous.

Obviously, he was waiting someone.

Who let him to wait so hard and also honesty?

We can’t knew that in this moment.

The rain is heavy untill the midnight.

There is already no any peple over there.

Just he, so lonely, the station of night is so silence.

When the lastes train are coming slowly, stoped.

He standing on his feet from the coold chair.

Walk strait to the door of the train.

And then, the door opening slowly.

One lady get out of the carriage.

Saddenly when she look on the man and she rush to him.

Jumped to hes arms.

 Then he took her hand and went home together.

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