Your thoughts on pages 14~15.


Question:is it true only children can learn a second language easily?why do you think of that?what is the evidence?

I have just the right idea I want to share with you guys let’s get started:

                     Children versus adults 

      In this world, the race has divided into two races, the children race , and adult race. one day,children followed their adults landed onto a new land , a new country where people speak a total of new language. Adults: man, I gotta learn this language before it’s too late. Children:I..I just wanna make some new friends,play with them. After dozen of weeks,the children can speak a new language very fluently , but adults are still even being embarrassed to open mouth to say a word. From adults’ view looking at children , adults shocked with an opened mouth expression on the face, even more embarrassed :how… did you all do that ? Children replied :umm you seee I was just chilling out with my friends playing balls playing hide and seek , while playing that, we needed to make sound to express ourselves, so we made, and i listened to them while playing with them and I copied what they said, they gave reactions , then we understand each other.adults started to think : over all of these months, i been totally immersed in a mess of different sorts of unnecessary restless stuff, I had plumbing problems , family issues , not to mention how many crisis our company are still facing ,and I had to work for completely full time of a day to deal with these. No wonder children learn faster than us, we didn’t stay a chance to spend a single second over learning .then Adults were gonna take this thing seriously now, “guys listen ,we need to defeat these children with one blow, this is our only chance to win, before they get completely fluent in this foreign language.”  Then adults tried to join a language community where people can communicate in local language. Day one adults tried to immerse themselves in the language, listened to them. Then They had a very clear hearing about the language. Day two they started to mimic copy how the native people say things , adults figured it out how the muscle moves and changes , they felt the sensation of hurts in their mouth. Day three because they’ve already had all the concepts about the word like what apple is, what elephant is, so all they needed to do was connect these new sounds the original sound symbols. Day four, well, within 3 mouths of keeping saying stuff ,communicating . They’ve already gotten it fluent . At the same time , the children were still figuring out what golf is, can you eat it? What’s astronaut? Is that alien?  At the end, children said: “you’ve won! You did it faster than us, pls be merciful to us , don’t kick my but.” Now you have a clear image that who learns faster .

Question:share your experience of learning a language in a traditional language classroom.


     My friend Jan’s experience about learning in school is , well it he said that was a quite boring experience ,it’s very common.whats interesting is that people know it’s boring but they don’t doubt about it, they think it’s because they just don’t have talent to learn it so it’s the case.ironic.

       One of Jan’s insight is learning it in school is destructive. When a man sits on a desk doing nothing but listening to a person in front of blackboard talking about things which are completely irrelevant to the real world, and creating you more and more fears barriers of learning something.jan was so fearful that he might get into jail in his area on writing these opinions. Jan welcomes people to give them feedback on writing , free to give them pls, and pls empathize jan on doing something strange and rude. He said actually school systems were never broken,it’s meant to be like that, you see people never wanted you to be successful especially let you be stronger than them. A simple example is in many families, between family members,some members tho want you to not starve but also not to living better than them.  Jan said this situation often be seen in areas people couldn’t trust each other. 

Question:share you experience learning English in a brain friendly way:

It’s interesting that when you do things in a brain friendly way , everything changes , it’s scientific. Like listening sound first rather than reading. When it comes reading in the first place you mostly just get exhausted immediatly. When it comes to listening , well, we don’t mean listening doesn’t make brain tired , when you take listening as listening to music, when you listening pay attention to rhythm rather than understanding it, it’ll make the whole process so fun, when it’s fun and subconscious learning that’s what we call it a brain friendly way of learning, you see when you have fun there’s no such thing as so called pressure but pleasure. 

    When you see two man are doing completely the same thing, but while they are doing the same thing , but focus of this thing differently. The result at the end is different . Where to focus contains a set of beliefs whom the person take. For example when it comes to listening to something , one person believes he need to understand them all. The number 2 person believes listening is just listening to music. The first person got taken down immediately, felt pain immediately, and found him can not stick with it more.but it shows the opposite with the number 2 person, he found him can enjoy it, and play with it, listening for more and more. Obviously Mr number one didn’t do in it a brain friendly way. 

        If you wanna have fun on doing something,beliefs take a lot place in your journey of doing things. In the very first place to learn a language, I wasn’t having the right beliefs to do it, I thought I needed to remember every single word of the language in older to be fluent in the language, then as I do it, there were just so much, well a lot pain! What’s crazy is After just a few minutes , I couldn’t bring myself to do it anymore, there was rejection in my brain, just can’t convince my brain to do it no matter how I did force my brain to do it. Whenever I saw a video that was created by longfeihu, in that video longfeihu changed my beliefs, he shown a way of learning a language with the most fun and ease,and the human natural way, he let me know language isn’t about learning,it’s about using doing, it’s the major difference separate people . When I’m using the language to communicate ,using brainsoaking scientific belief onto doing the language frequently ,and any other right beliefs. The life’s journey has turned into heaven,as that saying, life is journey . Well that doesn’t mean there’s no need to make any effort , effort was required, but unlike the others making effort in pain condition and it’s said you need to feel pain, well, there’s place for pain, but you really didn’t pay attention to it, and you already turned it into pleasure . So within the beliefs and tools longfeihu sensei has offered to us, it was most pleasurable process of doing things in the life as the life has came this far.


Question:tell a story about the most boring class you ever attended at school. Describe this in as much detail as you can.

       In the school, people in there as teachers are super weird, they can even make boredom into different types of boredoms . For instance, chinese teachers are gifted at hypnosis, they talk about weird philosophy like life is competitive game,just like Darwin the biologist said” nature eliminates unfit “ then he changes it weirdly:so all of you gotta be be fit perfectly fit on doing school exams ,they give you a lot of speech like, ”you kiddo gotta compete each other , skip eating, skip sleep!”some say he’s hitler in Chinese teacher version. 

Math teachers are like alien language speakers.well ,they just done it deliberately, skipping the timing of having class. We all know that math is connecting symbols to the real world and calculating them , they are connecting math symbols to exam papers , which just completely doesn’t make any sense, well it does make a little bit if you buy online Chinese math course to exclusively deal with exam questions. 

    So just the other day I was having a geography lesson, and that day was Friday at the end of all classes, it’s the last class we needed to have before our vocation days finally come ,so at that class, I couldn’t pay even a little bit of attention to the “teaching”,but looked at my clock back and fourth ,one time after the another,but the time just couldn’t pass even a little faster, it was doing the opposite, boosting a greater boredom. So I waited and waited. At that class ,it was the most boring class I’ve ever attended . Then I realize the world’s most boring thing was waiting the time to pass away. 

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