
the car   The bus  the train the taxi on top of 

 The little videos show us that The giant life up the car on his left hand ,life up the taxi on his right hand then put them on top of the train ,and step on the bus .

I have buy a new white car ,but I often go to cafe by bus ,if I Have a long trip ,I will get on the train ,I often climb up the car and sit on the top of the car .

3 Responses so far.

  1. 方丈 方丈 says:

    The little videos show us that the giant lift up the car with his left hand ,lift up the taxi with his right car ,then put them on top of the train ,and lastly step on the bus.

  2. 龙飞虎 Chris says:

    Great! Really nice use of words you know to combine into full sentences AND you are telling a story as you do this. Bravo!

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