A bad day

Today is saturday but I still working.I driver a car about 150km.I can feel pine on my back.I must have a good rest.

4 Responses so far.

  1. yc says:

    Yup, you should take good care of yourself.
    Rest well.

  2. 龙飞虎 Chris says:

    You drove your car 150 km? From where to where? Was it on the highway, or on rough and narrow roads? How long did it take?

    I am glad to hear that your back feels much better after a good rest.

    • 畹澈 畹澈 says:

      Thank you comment.I am living in beijing.I think you know this is a big city.I driverd my company’s car to visit 6 other company’s. On the morning.I spend about 40minutes to go to the first company on the 6th ring road.the second company is near form the first one.I get there about 20minutes.So I must go to my company for lunch.In the afternoon.I go to the last 4 companys in YiZhuang.So I have to spent 30 minutes on the 5th ring road.When all thing finished.I’ll go back to my company.

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