
How dose the company attracts people toward buy their product? In my consider,The most important way is advertising for their product.We can see many advertisements in television or when you watch video in internet,you will see that there are many advertisements.and there are some of advertisements that are very good,they succefully attracted people`s attaintion, Some of them are extremely great.Why are they so great?In my opinion,Those advertisement are great,because They are not just to show how good founctions of the products are.The most important is they injected some meaningfuls into the product.For example,I remember a good advertisement that is a milktea brand,In their advertisement,their milk tea is not just has good taste,or sweet,their milktea also is express of love,so If you love your boyfriend or girlfriend or other people whom you love,you can present a cup of milktea to them to express your love,It will be sweet and happiness.So in here,the milktea is not just a juice,It is a lovely gift of love,As you buy their milktea, It is not anymore to relates to about you have broken your weight loss program,It is relates to you love the certain person,you care of him or her.That what  how does the advertisement attracts people toward it.

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