Build our English core is very important

Last night my friend gave me a call, we talk about each other’s life. He told me he is preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination.
The postgraduate entrance examination has an exam, It’s about English examination, In China, it called CET-6. So we talk about English. I ask him which level he English has been. He told me he can read 《The Economist》. When I hear this,  I can’t believe my ear. In my opinion 《The Economist》is very hard. He’s my good friend, So I didn’t doubt him. 

I’m so surprised, I asked him how did you do that? He told me the secret is he can read long and complex sentences. When he gave me some examples to explain. When he speaks English, I can feel his spoken English is really not well. I ask him if he wants to improve his spoken English, the answer I got is not. He told me he is English listening also not well.

I asked him why don’t you want to improve your English listening and spoken English? His answer is “In China, Reading is the most important thing, other things are not important.” Finally, I know he just wants to pass the exam. What a pity, Spending much time on learning English, just can reading, can’t speaking and listening.

I told him some theories about kungfu English. I hope he can understand and use them.

At last, he introduces some videos to me, these videos about how to learn long and complex sentences. I download them and watch the first video, It’s so boring, I feel I am back into school. I don’t want to watch them anymore.

 Reading long and complex sentences is only one thing in English. It’s not real kungfu. Build our English core is the most thing.

Kongfu English is fascinating and amazing. You are unconscious, you learn to speak English and listen to English.  I don’t know what time I start to speak English , But now I really can speak English although not too much.

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