Clever comma

It’s very interesting to watch the “Comma story” on TED-Ed today.

When the “conjunction” needs help, the “comma” always lends a helping hand.

“Conjunction” such as :

For,  And,  Nor,  But,  Or,  Yet,  So,

Although,  Because,  Before,  However,  Unless,  Even though,


One day ,”Conjunction” can’t lift a long sentence , it requires the assistance of “comma”.

Even though Bartheleme loves to sing he never sings in front of others.


How will “comma” help ?

The ” Even though” in front of the sentence can’t hold this long sentence.

The “comma” finds the balance point and helps “Even though” to support.

Do you know where the“comma”best place is?

Yes, just behind the complete sentence.


Even though Bartheleme loves to sing , he never sings in front of others.


Other day, “Conjunction” has trouble again.


Bartheleme was accepted into the University of Chicago and he is on the waitlist for Stanford University.


“Comma” hurriedly went to assist “and”. Found a suitable location to support.


Bartheleme was accepted into the University of Chicago , and he is on the waitlist for Stanford University.


With the help of “comma”, it relieved a lot of burden for ” Conjunction “.

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