Just Do What They Do

   This topic included all of the tips that as a language learner we should know. Base on language is a communicating tool, we learn it as a skill. We don’t need to ask why. Just need to know what and how. And do the natives do when they use it in certain context.

   If we observed the natives speaking in their daily life, we could find some patterns that are frequently repeated again and again. Even sometimes you don’t know, but you can feel the patterns emerged. Next time when you speak with others, you would use that pattern in a certain time unconsciously. This is naturally and interesting.

   Join a language community just like to join playing a game. People in the game all know how to play with rules and make the game smoother when play. But if you want to ask them why the game rules are, that is nonsense. Even you don’t know why, you still could play the games well. Your target is to play with people and enjoy the game.

   Rules in the language community are morphed as time goes by. So those are not Hard rule, oppositely rules are Soft. You can flexibly change it and people still know what you say. However, use the same rules could make you communicating with other smoother. That is our most important target to become more and more familiar with the appropriate rules in the language community. And finally we hope we could speak like the natives.

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