Practice L2B

Today, i will write some english. 

Hi, boss, please give me your menu. 

Let me have a look. 

Please give me a cup of tea.

A cup of milk for my wife. 

A cup of coffee for my mother. 

A cup of beer for my father. 

And a cup of juice for a friend of mine.  Ok just these things. 

Here is money. 

2 Responses so far.

  1. 龙飞虎 Chris says:

    Nice 🙂

    • 王建荣 王建荣 says:

      Wow, Excellent.

      收到your message. I am very happy. I saw your sentence, as i heard your voice. As where you are talking to me.

      Now, maybe you could ask me: why is that?
      My answer is: because i hear your voice everyday. 对你的声音过敏。

      So, at here, please 允许我me called you English Father. (用你的话说就是英语家长)。because you are our the second language father. Haha ?.

      I learn english’s goal is: I want to change myself. But i don’t know can it be.

      Finally, i can’t express inside my heart.
      Your “Nice “. It is my pleasure.

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