Good memories of childhood 

Good memories of childhood 

  There are so many good memories in my childhood.I like rainy day,because it’s very interesting.I like walk in the rain without the umbrella feel the rain on my face,listen to the rain falling on the roof.There is a bamboo forest in front of my door, i like hear the rain falling on the bamboo leaf ,it sound like silkworm eats mulberry leaves :sha sha sha.The music of nature is so wonderful.

I also like look at the rain drops down the pond ripples in circle.(我想表达我喜欢看雨滴在水面然后形成一圈圈的涟漪)Look at the fish swim freely in the water,look at the duck swim fast across the pond……

  In the autumn,the sky gets higher,look at the bird fly above the cloud,imagine myself can fly like a bird.Stand on top of the mountain,you can hear the waves of pines,if you look down,the small pond looks like a mirror.

  Wa have a dog,when my old brother went out of the house,he whistle to the dog and the dog just follow him out.

  One thing i don’t like,some classmate take the little frog to the school,i fear it,run away fast from them.

 What a pity! I have no camera that time,otherwise i can take a lot of good photos.

  Later ,i left my hometown,but i still often recall my childhood memories.

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