Home work L2B 17

Focus words and sentence:

Run, run to, finger.  One~four fingers, run after, wiggle,  toes,  step on,  take the something out of the something.


Doctor:  how does you hurt your three fingers?

Patient:  I was fall down when I run to the hospital.

Doctor: why are you run to the hospital?

Patient: my toes hurt.

Doctor: ok~so what’s wrong with your toes? 

Patient: I sow a girl wiggle on the table,and she wants to take something out of the box that she step on. I want to help her. But she was run.  So I run after her before I fall down…

One Response so far.

  1. 张屹磊 张屹磊 says:

    Sorry this is a fool story,but 我实在编不下去了。这几个词组不知道该有什么画面

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