
  1. greet:to say hello to someone or welcome them.

I am a salesman at the store.When customer come into our store.I need to greet to them.My leader always told me my voice is loudly.He hope me to greet with soft voice.

  1. great:a very successful and famous person in a particular sport,profession etc.

Yao Ming is basketball player.I think he is sport great.But I don’t know about his information.I just know he is very tall.

  1. Pray:to speak to God in order to ask for help or give thanks.

I have to prepare for my English exam.but I have many homework.I pray to god I can pass it.Even though it is impossible.

  1. prudence:a sensible and careful attitude that makes you avoid unnecessary risks.

We always said our colleague,Tom,is a prudence man.We talk about something,he has to ask why is that?Maybe he is an engineer.

  1. express:to tell or show what you are feeling or thinking by using words,looks or actions.

When I have read the book.I will express my opinions in my notebook.I think it is important.I read my notebook can remember the book what talk about it.

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