

  1. digestion:to process of digesting food.

If you eat much meat.you eat some vegetables.It will help you digestion.

  1. combustion:to process of burning.

Combustion wood can cook the meal.

  1. ingestion:to take food or other substances into your body.

He can’t ingestion the milk.

  1. decision:a choice or judgment that you make after a period of discussion or thought.

When you make a decision,you need to think about this way is right or wrong.

5.Division:the act of separating something into two or more different parts,or the way these parts are separated or shared.

‘Share the division of the cake,’ mom said, ‘you are friends,right?’


  1. collision:an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions.

I drive the car to the office and see the car collision.But it’s fine that no one is hurt.

  1. vision:the ability to see.

She is born with poor vision.So she always wears glasses.

  1. fusion:a combination of separate qualities or ideas.

The painting is a fusion of several paints.It looks like special.

  1. version:a copy of something that has been changed so that it is slightly different.

This is the original version of the document.Please copy this to reply your client’s question.

  1. invasion:when the army of one country enters anther country by force,in order to take control of it.

They’re scared this invasion.Thousand of people was killed by army.


  1. adventure:an exciting experience in which dangerous or unusual things happen.

A man want to travel by boat.He take the boat to the other country.At night,the wind blows the boat.The man jumps off the ocean.He swims faster across the ocean and climb towards the beach.Yes,He isn’t died.This is an adventure strong.

  1. acupuncture:a treatment for pain and disease that involves pushing special needles into parts of the body.

If you has tummy ache issues,you can use acupuncture at hospital.

  1. torture:an act of deliberately hurting someone in order to force them to tell you something,to punish them,or to be cruel.

Even though this torture will make he die,he still doesn’t told them any information.

  1. juncture:a particular point in an activity or period of time.

My daughter pour the water on my picture at the juncture while I have finished it.

  1. fixture:a piece of equipment that is fixed inside a house or building and is sold as part of the house.

A washing basin is a fixture in a bathroom.

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