I’M SO anxious ╥﹏╥

The CGTV says a lots of diamond and jewelry news information in the international.

But.. bbbb.. ut… be a jewelry appraiser and diamond grader ,I couldn’t understand any word in the news.


Worry。。。feel anxiousಠ_ರೃ

I only can use it in 泡脑子。。

4 Responses so far.

  1. 龙飞虎 Chris says:

    Do you work as a diamond grader? Or, you were just interested in the news story about diamond grading?

    • 张屹磊 张屹磊 says:

      YES, my headmaster, I’M working in jewelry industry. There are a lot of English country and place like india , Hong Kong,Sri Lanka 。 So I need talk with this country’s jewelry business man to make deal. And I really Appreciate western jewelry art. I wish I can go to American Museum of Natural History in future when I study English Successful.

    • 张屹磊 张屹磊 says:

      YES, my headmaster, I working in jewelry industry. There are a lot of English country and place like india , Hong Kong,Sri Lanka 。 So I need talk with this country’s jewelry business man to make deal. And I really Appreciate western jewelry art. I wish I can go to American Museum of Natural History in future when I study English Successful.

    • 张屹磊 张屹磊 says:

      I feel so honored to talk with you. some times i feel that you help me a big lot. … em sorry i don’t know how to say 真的非常感谢您发明了功夫英语这个学科,真的帮了我人生中的大忙,有时候我感觉我的人生会因为这次学习改变轨迹。真的发自内心的感谢。能和你直接对话是我的荣幸。。。。sorry , this sentence is too long i don’t know how to spell it

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