Mindset determines everything

I want to share with you a provoking essay.

A person walked into a park and said angrily after coming out : “This place is dirty and smelly, I will not come again next time.”

The other person also walked into the park at the same time. When he came out, he said: “It’s so beautiful! There are flowers everywhere, and the fragrance is overflowing.”

Why did these two person react differently in the same park?

The first person went in and found a lot of shit in the park, so he tried to find the shit under the flowers in order to prove that the park was dirty.

He focused his attention on the shit and finally only saw the dirtyness of the park.

The other person walked in the park and looked at the beautiful plants and scenery, although he also saw the shit, but he always bypassed, because he knew that the shit will make the flowers more beautiful, so he focused on the appreciation of the natural scenery and felt the beauty of nature and life.

This park symbolized our world.

These two people represented two completely different modes of thinking ―”complaint “and “gratitude”.

Different modes of thinking lead to different patterns of behavior, thereby leading to completely different life and completely different fate.

What kind of life we ​​want to live depends on our mindset.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Paul Pang says:

    I enjoy Your writing:) Delightful and elegantly put. Joy,

  2. yc says:

    “What kind of life we ​​want to live depends on our mindset.”
    Nice sharing. It’s inspiring!

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