Orla’s Blog – Day 01 The one learned a unit

Today is Feb 23th, 2019 , also is the day off  day,  so I have enough time to study the Kungfuenglish. The bity thing is this course I had bought beyond 15 months, that means I just only have no more than 21 months to learn this course. Be honest, I am a bit of anxiety.

However, doing is the best thing. So, in today, I had learned No.4 unit, total 7 lessons, and add up to 335 minutes. This day is the special day because I start give up my horrible hobits and do the right thing. 

Inaddition, I calculate how many lesson do I need to learn everyday  if  I want to finish the course in this year. And the calculate result is I should finish 2 units per week! What a amazing! How heavy task!

Anyway, I will try my best to get it!  This first blog is the witness.


4 Responses so far.

  1. Alice Alice says:

    You’re on your way !
    you can achieve your goal !:)

  2. 龙飞虎 Chris says:

    Thank you for sharing. Do something every day, and build up bit by bit!

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