
sketch -ed  梗概 ,素描 略图

a sketch is a drawing that is done quickly without a lot of details

NOUNT Ben made a sketch  of a man running on the road


ben is sketching a picture of a young lady sleeping on the bed

stretch -ed 拉伸 伸张

put both hands on the park bench, bend from your waist and stretch your back 

put your left foot on the park bench and stretch your left leg

where can you stretch yourself today?

what is the really helpful  thing to keep awake is to stretch your body after you get out of your bed 

scratch -ed

does the cat scratch?

scratch my back I’ve got an itch 

scratch your head to do sth



One Response so far.

  1. 龙飞虎 Chris says:

    I love the way you are combining words to create new sentences. Very simple but very clear!

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