Skill Not Concept

   When talking about language is skill not concept, I think this also means we have to use the language to help us solve everything in life. Just like other skills we need, this is the same idea. If we used the language as a concept, we would just study it, analyze it but we don’t use it. Most of language learners adapt the 2nd way to “study” a new language.
   Skills need to be practice over years, and when you practice more, you will learn more quickly. However, concept is totally different things. Even you think a lot, it still doesn’t help you to achieve your goals if you didn’t take action to do it.
   Just like driving a car, this is definitely a skill that you need to practice then you could get it. Driving card is not easy initially, and you may need some coach to help you, or guide you for some techniques. Even then, there are still some people learn how to drive. However, if you get this skill for driving, you would find you can drive and also chat with someone at same time. It becomes as easy as drinking water. Why? I think driving become a skills that we would do every day, and we need this ability to take us to work, to buy things or to have a trip. When we get this skill, we use it every day. If we take language as a tool, we may practice it just like driving car every day. Let speaking language becomes the most important things in our daily life, our brain will tell itself that we have to learn this skill.
   Use it or lose it. I have ever read a book talking about brain science that claim brain is tent to be lazy. Our brain will take the most important into its frequently used area that may need every day. So if we did some specific things every day, our brain will automatically keep it. Oppositely, if something we didn’t use every day, our brain will also take it as not important things. Then put it to non-frequently used area. As time goes by, finally we may lose this specific skill if we didn’t use it for years.

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