Which one is the best? Dialogue 123 homework make a dialogue for self.
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- Nov, 26, 2019
- By 张屹磊 张屹磊
- 我的英语写作
Which one is better? The higher floor or shorter floor?
Higher’s is better.
What about direction? Western better or southern better?
Southern’s better.it has more sunshine.
How about space? Big one or small one?
I think the small one is better. And the expensive one is the best.
That’s right-not for me.
WhicH ones are better? The white ones or yellow ones?
White ones are better.
Which one is better? The tall one or small one?
Small one is better.
What about cold ones and hot ones?
The cold ones are better. And i think new ones are better than the old ones.
Yes you are right. I’ll take these ones.
I want buy a car. Which one is better?
What do you want to use? Race or what else?
Emmm Just use for work. How about red one or blue one?
I think the red one is better.
What about brand? BMW is better or Toyota is better?
I like Toyota better. And i like Toyota is cheaper than another
Yes that’s a good reason. I’ll talk this one