新单词造句 (两个新单词组成一句)

visit surprise

we will visiting grandma and grandpa and give them a surprise. 

I want to buy something and visit him in hospital. please don’t talld he I was want to give him a surprise. 

let’s visit your grandma. I think she miss you so much. do you want to give her a surprise? 



pet pretend

my daughter likes her pet puppy and sometimes she pretending to be a puppy. 

my pet dog is so sweet and it pretending to be a person !when I come back to home it takes a pair of shoes to me 

If you can pretending to be a cat. l will buy it for your pet. 



in a hurry finish

lm in a hurry to play with my friends so quickly finished my homework and go outside. 

I’m in a hurry. please stop talking about another things. time is running out! l want to you finished your work in 5 minutes. 

I’m in a hurry to finished my work.talk you later If you don’t have important things then. 



completely miserable

I trust him completely but he make me miserable

he leave me on a hill and telled me he will come back later,but l waiting to him a long time.It was completely dark outside .he never come back. l got miserable . 

Don’t make me miserable if you don’t love me. 


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