第三只耳朵 第9页 它跟…呼吸一样困难(3)

  1. apply:to use something such as a method.idea,or law in a particular situation,actively.or process.

These ideas are often difficult to apply in practice.

The balloon often apply to the party.

We don’t apply to this document.

  1. equally:to the same degree or amount .

You must have a good education,but practical training is equally important.

The apple can make equally the juice.

The draw equally flowers.

  1. strategy-strategies

A planned series of actions for achieving something.

A company’s business strategy

  1. technique-techniques

A special way of doing something.

In mathematics.we use many techniques of problem-solving.

Studying English has a lot of technique

  1. Successful

Achieving what you wanted,or having the effect or result you intend.

She made a successful cake.

The operation was successful.

  1. Genius

a very high of intelligence,mental skill.or ability,which only a few people have.

He was an architect of genius.

I am a language genius.

I were a language genius.

The author will share himself and other successful language learners strategies and techniques.He thought we’re a language genius that we can discover how to better use our natural language talent more effectively.

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  1. Mao says:


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