随手写-about The third ear

Why you are are learning English? I asked myself sometimes.To learning English can open the world from another perspective that never thought before. It opening of world today.People between without the countries limited.Today’s world is a global village.Of course,I am learning English to achieve my goals.One of my goals is go to the university to graduate student.But my English level is very lower,only know”yes and no”.As a English level of school child to achieve my goals that difficult more.that is difficult more for me to achieve my goals not very easily. I believe myself to through my effort to achieve it.Maybe someone got it so easily for one or two years,maybe less time.Because I am 46 old years this year.To remembering some words for spend time more than other.Maybe I achieve my goals for get five years. I trust myself.Firstly,then I am sure have a second goal .Are you want to hear it?Please follow me.then I will in the university for three years. I will reading books more when at the university. I will get more time to learning.then to achieve my second goal.what’s goals?Do you have know?Don’t hurry,I will tell for you.But it isn’t now.

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