64-73 L2B story

There are six cabinets in my kitchen and they are blue. I don’t like the colour, but they are already in the kitchen before we moved here. I put a lot of things in them, like the roll of paper towels, napkins, teacups, saucers, bowls, plates, orange juice powders and so on.


One day, I was going to cook lunch. I took two glasses and orange juice powders out of the cabinets. I poured water into the jug to make a glass of orange juice, but I spilled some juice on the floor. So, I had to tear off a paper towel from the roll of paper towels and wiped the juice off the floor with the paper towel. Then my husband wanted to have a cup of tea, so I got my teapot and teacup from the cabinet. Then I pour the tea from the teapot into the teacup and gave it to my husband.


After finished drinking, what a mess in the kitchen! I would have barked at my husband but I held back.  I dropped the teabag into the waste basket and cleared up the mess on the dinning room table. I hung the wet towel on the back of the chair and beat it with my hands to dry it. Then, my husband and I wanted to have a break in the living room. So, we took the cushions from the dinning room into the living room and put one on the sofa. I sat on the cushion on the sofa and my husband sat on the cushion on the floor.


After a rest for a while, we went to the bookshop. We shut the curtains in the living room and bedroom, opened the drawer, grabbed our wallet from the drawer, put on our baseball cap, and run out the door. After arrived at the bookshop, my husband grabbed the newspaper from the newspaper stand and then read it. Then he wrote a letter in the notebook, and put it into the envelope. He also crumpled a piece of paper and toss it into the waste basket because it was useless. Meanwhile, I looked for some English books in the bookstore because I like reading English books. I reached for a thin book in English on the low shelf and started to read. After finishing the thin book, I wanted to take another book down from the high shelf, but I couldn’t reach for it. So I asked my husband to help me. He took it from the high shelf for me. I looked at the label on the book and found that it was written by Obama, the former President of United States. The book is interesting and he asked us some questions to help comprehend the texts. I tried to answer the questions and I learned a lot from them. I also copied some good sentences from the book into my notebook.


It was already 5 o’clock, so we went home to cook dinner. I took two carrots, one big potato, three tomatoes, one chicken, and some beans out of the fridge. First, I chopped the carrots and put them into the bowl with the beans, and then I lighted the gas on the stove. Then I boiled the beans and the carrots, smelled them and tasted them. They are yummy! Then I chopped the potato with a knife and fried it in the frying pan. We all like roast chickens, so I roasted the chicken. I sprinkled some chilli pepper powder and salt on the chicken and then put it into the oven. I set the timer for 30 minutes and roasted the chicken for 30 minutes. Then I got the roasted chicken from the oven and put it into the roasting pan. My son smelled the roasted chicken and said: yummy! My son and my husband ate the chicken.


After dinner, I needed a rest. I put on my woolen sweater and put my yoga mat and the cushion on the floor. I knelt beside the bed on the cushion and pray. I enjoyed inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, which made me feel calm and relaxed.

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