
Dialogue  of A and B 

A: where are you going? 

B:I am going to the “ sea  of  clouds vocation villa ”, There will be a birthday party.

A: When is the birthday party?

B: It is next Saturday.

A: Who is going to there together with you?

B: My friend is going to there and waiting for me.

A: Okay,Now,Then,Let’s go to the tea restaurant across the street, what’s up?

B: Good idea! What do you want to eat? Thai food or Italian food?

A: I like Chinese food,I think the dumplings are yummy.

B: I disagree with you,I like the noodles.

A: I like noodles too, but I really like dumplings. They are my favorite.

B: Oh ,my favorite is rice .

One Response so far.

  1. yc says:

    I want to eat dumplings as well.
    Your dialogues make me feel “hungry”.

    Thanks for the sharing.

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