put in order

I have put in order L2B words  from 8 to 15. 

Turn on (off) the television (mobile phone, radio, light, watch, lamp)

drop the fork (glass, cup, knife, chopsticks, spoon, ball) on the floor

stand (sit, sit on, lie down)beside (under, behind) the table (chair, desk)

open (close) the door (window)

draw a picture of cup on the blackboard

erase the picture of cup on the wall

hold (pick up) the book (pencil, paper, pen) from (off ) the floor

cut the paper with scissors

comb my friend hair

look myself in the mirror

woman(man, old man, old woman boy girl name friend)

throw (catch hit push point at ) the dog (cat bird)

pull the cat (bird) tail

pat (rub) my tummy

chew the biscuits

look at (ear head leg foot nose hair


raise (touch) my hand (arm)

smile my mouth (eye)

bite the apple (pear banana orange tomato grape )

break the bread

write my name on the paper

fold (unfold) the book (paper)

lick the cake (ice cream) off the floor

walk straight and turn left (right)

take the book out (on top) of the box

put the book in the box


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