A new clause-“as far as ⋯is concerned”

I learned a new clause-“as far as ⋯is concerned “from the Chapter 12 Of “The Third Ear”recently.

Original sentence:

While the differences ,as far as learning a new language is concerned ,are important, it’s the similarities that matter more — at least in the beginning.

“as far as sth is concerned “ means “ we are discussing about a particular thing “.

I want to practice making up sentences.

1. As far as our current situation is concerned, it is not suitable for too much change.
2. As far as learning a new language is concerned, it is important to concentrate on the audibols arround us and perceive the patterns.
3. As far as improving air pollution is concerned,this policy can achieve good results.

2 Responses so far.

  1. 龙飞虎 Chris says:

    Nice sentences Alice! All spot on!

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