Can talent be learned?

Do you believe that talent is something that we are born with or talent can be learned?If you told me this before half a year,I wouldn’t agree.After all, the evidence seems all around me.Whenever I feel that it is hard for me to learn something, my mother will say that ‘the knowledge has been created out,creating is harder than learning and why you feel hard’,and I will say in my mind that I don’t have that talent that it is really hard for me that you cannot ask someone without some specific talent to do this sort of thing well.Most people in the world seem to be untalented, and just rare people have some particular talent that seems natural gifted.

However,some people has shown us that if you want to achieve something extraordinary in your life, the easiest way will be to find someone who has already done it and then begin to copy what they do— which is called ‘modelling’.When you do this, you are observing and identifying exactly what an expert performer does to generate their masterful performance.To do it most effectively you understand and then apply the unconscious steps that experts use to generate their expert performance.

What does a master performer do that separates him or her from average or weak performers in any area of endeavor?When you model others, your are really very interested in strategies — the series of actions or events that take place within a person as they generate any behavior. In other words, what you want to know, so you can model, are the internal programmes —the sequences of pictures, movements ,sounds or whatever that masters make use of inside themselves when they are ‘doing their thing’.When you uncover the steps that they actually use, it’s possible for you to start getting similar results.

Just like baseball,art or any other type of performance, language learning consists of a whole range of beliefs,’tricks of the trade’ and both mental and emotional strategies that you can use to make the process interesting, fun and effective.

Over the last twenty years,the author of The Third Ear has become increasingly aware of the internal strategies that he uses to learn language and, as a consequence, he has been able to learn new language faster each time.Of course , he is not the only one who can do this.The people whom he has met that have been successful in learning a new language have strategies of thinking, acting and feeling about the language-learning process that contribute to their success.He has discovered that in most cases the success strategies used by these people are very similar , sometimes identical, to the strategies that he has used in his own language-learning adventures.

To summarize, what people commonly called talent is some specific mental ,emotional, physical, and practical strategies that if you copy to learn, you will achieve the similar results.

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