Chapter 3

Many people were felt second language learning difficulties because they don’t know it, this is a new tongue and character, and we don’t know to pronounce and use it, it challenges both your mind (your brain has to construct new cognitive frameworks) and time (it requires sustained, consistent practice), like chapter 3, here have 3 points to prevent success and make our leaning difficult:

  1. Bad Beliefs: problem happens on my own, when a person thinks that a language is difficult, and then creates a logical reason to support the belief. when I was in my second year of university, I picked the Japanese language as an elective course. My reason to pick the Japanese language as it looks popular on campus and I thought learning one more language was not bad. we only learn Japanese PinYin every time, after class I forgot the PinYin pronunciation, I attended the class 4 times, every time taught PinYin and I give up this language, I felt hard and haven’t interested in it, I knew I can’t learn it well, because it was boring for learning their PinYin. And the Japanese language only Japan uses, it is not really helpful for the future.


  1. The School Subject mistake: the idea that language can best be learned in school is another important myth that needs to be carefully examined. sometimes we use the wrong method to learn a second language, it maybe uses a lot of our time and hasn’t a good result. Or learn for the class follow the teacher to read, after class no practice and forgot it. I had a bad experience learning a second language when I studied high school, our school need us to learn Portuguese, because that time we were a Portugal colony, and we were no choice, I learned it for 3 years, and I can’t speak a single word. Sad story, because in every class we just followed the teacher to read words and sentences and I was not interested in it.


  1. The Cultural mythology mistake: The third major myth that you need to examine is the idea that the ability to learn a given language is driven by genetics; I always think I haven’t the genetics to learn English, I just persist in it. maybe I just learn the wrong way before.

It is not easy for learning a second language. We already set up learning a new language is difficult in our hearts. we learn a second language in class or self-learning, we are easy to start and easy to give up if we are no time to practice. A second language look like is not easy for learning, but still, people learn a second language fluently, and we need to find our interest language for learning. You will overcome the challenge if you have an interest in a particular language. Here are some solutions for us to improve our learning.

  1. You don’t need to believe bad beliefs, this belief only let us stop language learning from progressing, we should believe in our ability, and we can be successful. We need more positive thinking or reading more successfully learning a second language example maybe will help. We need to remember our motivation for the language we choose to learn.


  1. You don’t go to school, attending school is boring, low effective, expensive, and focuses on grammatical structures, we can learn a second language by self-learning and making it fun to learn. We learn the language for communication, we need to talk to outside people.


  1. You don’t believe the cultural mythology; believe you can overcome all the difficulties when you are learning a second language. myth only an excuse, don’t be a fool. It is actually just a rumour that has been passed around, or people don’t want to do the difficult things, so they make up stories with excuses that no one else can do it.


  1. Don’t be lazy, learning a language must need practice, need open our mouth to talk, practice make us remember what we learn, and in the future, we can speak naturally.


  1. Choose your interested language to learn, because you have an interest in it, you will not easily give up, you will give all your effort for it.


  1. You study for a purpose, maybe you want to come to a good university or got a good job, or travel the world, we need always remember our purpose for learning.


  1. Encouragement, when we feel hard learning, sometimes want to give up. This time we really need our families or friends to give us encouragement, you can talk to the person about your challenges, maybe some experienced person will give you the best subjection.


At the end of this essay, we need to clearly know what kind of things prevent us from progressing, and we find the right method for learning a second language is very important, will improve a lot the language and more confidence to keep going to learn. Just believed that we have the ability to learn every language.


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