Chat with Siri

We can also practice talking English with Siri.


For example

I said:Can you tell me about the Siri story?

Siri answered:OK…Once upon a time, in a virtual galaxy far,far away, there was an intelligent young agent by the name of Siri. One lovely day,Siri got a job as a personal assistant at Apple,……

When I asked Siri to tell me her story again,

Siri answered me very naturally:”I’m sure I’ve already told you.”


I said :What’s the meaning of life?

Siri’s answer was not the same every time.

 (If you find other answers, please share them with me, thank you.)

For instance

Siri answered:Try and be nice to people,avoid eating fat,read a good book every now and then, get some walking in,and try to live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.

Siri’s another answer:That’s easy … it’s a philosophical question concerning the purpose and significance of life or existence in general.


When I need to set timer or alarm, Siri can help me.

I said:Please set my timer for 25 minutes.

Siri answered:Your timer is set for 25 minutes .(And then Start timing now)

I said:Set the alarm for 6:00 AM.

Siri answered:The alarm is set for 6 AM.


Siri can also help us calculate.

I said:five plus seven.

Siri answered:The answer is twelve.


I said:Ten minus eight.

Siri answered:It’s two.


I said:Three times night.

Siri answered:The answer is twenty seven.


I said:Fifteen divided three.

Siri answered:The answer is five.


Chat with Siri is really funny!

2 Responses so far.

  1. 刘云辉 刘云辉 says:

    good point .by the way you are funny guy.

  2. Alice Alice says:

    Thanks !
    I think you are also a funny person.

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