discuss our party.

This afternoon, I (I) am having a chat with my wife (W):

I: Where were you going? You look happy!

W: I just went to the supermarket.

I: What did you buy?

W: Look, I bought a pen on the table.

I: Why do you buy the pen?

W: I am in a mood to celebrate your birthday tomorrow.

I: Thanks. I don’t remember my birthday. Thanks your present.

W: Where do you like better to have a party? At home or at restaurant?

I: I like at restaurant. We can have a drink together.

W: What about people? Our classmates or our colleagues?

I: I prefer our colleagues better.

W: How about your new colleague.

I: He is tall, thin and square face. He is talkative. I don’t like him.

W: OK, Let’s invite our classmates and other colleagues.

I: OK.

W: How do you say “Happy Birthday” in Chinese? Sometimes I get stuck on learning Chinese.

I: 祝你生日快乐。Take it easy, you can make well.

W: Thank you, I will try my best to learn Chinese. Happy birthday. 祝你生日快乐。

I: Thanks.




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