Dualogue Exercise

A :Hi joe,How do you say 筷子 in english ?

How can i say 筷子 in english .


A:I didn’ t catch That ,Can say that  again,

Please speak  more slowly

A:I see.I got it .Thank you ,How about 薯条?

B:French fries.

A:I see,Thank a million,

B:You are welcome .


A: How are you ? How are you doing .

B:I ‘m good (OK/fine).and you ?What about you .

A:I’doing fine .Thank you ,you seem very happy .(You look sad )Why is That .(What ‘s wrong ?)

B:I’m happy because I ‘ve met you .(I lost My wallet )

A:Oh,sorry to hear That .


A:Hi ,My name is xiao Wang ,What is your name .

B:Hi, I am Joe.

A:What country are you from?

where are you from.

B: I’m from Australia,I am on My holiday ,(I’m on a business trip ,)this is my first/second/thir  trip to china .


A:Sorry I don’t understand.I ‘m confced ,Could you Please repeat it.


A:That is too fast,My brain hurts,I can not follow you ,Could you Please say it one more time ?


A:I think I have had enough for today.I want to go home .


A:What do you want to eat ,china food or western food .

B:I want to eat spaghetti.

A: I want to eat steak.

B:Please give me a knife and fork and some ketchup Please .(a nakin and some chili sause )


A:What do you want to drink .

B:I would like to have a bottle of beer ,a can of cola and a glass of oringe juice.

A:I’d like to have a cup of tea.  

B:With sugar ?

A:Yes Please ,with milk and sugar .


A:What is your favorite food ?Tai food or Italian food?

B:My favorite is chiness food ,That is My  favorite restaurant .

A:What do you prefer to eat ,rice or noodles?

B:I want to eat noodles today .

A:OK,let ‘s order some .

A:How dose it teast .


B:It teast great ,It is decious ,It ‘s yummy.

A:Would you like to have some more .

B:Yes ,just a little (bit),What about you ?

B:No Thanks ,I’m full (stuffed),I couldn’t eat another bit .





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