English diary
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- Jul, 01, 2019
- By 18476485107 18476485107
- 我的英语写作
My feel bad health, It`s to bad warm to go to bed. Today is June 30 , the month`s last days, the weather is rainy. I`m get up seven o`clock, to studied English in one times. Put on the white clothes, I`m going to bathroom to pee. Open the bathroom,you need washing face. How do you say
漱口 in English, please speaking this words! Rinse the mouth. Oh, I got it! Think you! Catch the time,I`ll go on the restaurant to eat breakfast. Today`s breakfast to have two eggs ,ham sausage,seaweed and egg soup,I think
It`s yummy.Behind one day,I start hard study in English to first time. To the dark night be over.