The third ear page 9 ,Short phrases

Write down these sentences , they are differents from my thought  about.

as difficult as breathing .(和呼吸一样困难)

Lean to / Learning

  • learning Chinese .
  • Learn to speak Mandarin Chinese .

worked solid (努力学习)

even than only had the basics  (即使那样,也只只掌握了基本 )

at a seminar (在一个研讨会)

really meant it (真的是这个意思)。

Mandarin Chinese 

difficult  process  (艰难过程 )

don’t have to be that way  (必要那样)

match my Owen experience  (符合我的经验 )

easily and effectively (简单而有效的)

mastered (掌握了)

master another language  (掌握了另一门语言 )

the great ease (最轻松的)

actually (事实上)

the most fun(最好玩的)

this was not possible .

slightly mad .(有一点疯了)

get into an argument 

rather  than (宁可…也不….)

things that you can do 

follows the journey 

you ever thought possible  (你曾今认为可能的)

apply equally to  (同样应用到)

share the personal strategies and techniques (分享个人的策略和技巧)

in the pages that follow (在接下来的书页中)

have talked to (说过的话)

have worked for me (对我有效)

natural language talent (天生的语言才能)

language genius  (语言天才)

you have to be (你一定是)


hook on 

anyway (不管怎样)


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