From the whole to the part, then from the part to the whole

Learning English is similar to learn to play piano.

When I start learning new melody, I need to listen to the whole at least one time and more,and observe the movements and techniques that teacher uses. Then I try to practice a short section and repeat it over and over again until skilled.

After practicing this short section, I will practice another ones, then connect the first and second section,play repeatedly and smoothly.

Then complete the whole melody practice step by step in the same way.

The way to practice is to continually repeat, stacking small chunks layer by layer until mastering the big chunk (whole melody/song).

Learning English is also the same.

Firstly, listening to the whole audibol and observe the mouth shape of a native speaker.

Then try to imitate and say it word by word.

Gradually lengthen the word to a sentence, and match the picture in my mind, and repeat the practice until I can express a long sentence or even an article smoothly.

3 Responses so far.

  1. 刘云辉 刘云辉 says:

    WOW you are very awesome,you can say a very long sentence. How many KuFU English lessons did you learn?

  2. This is a very good description of how to get to fluency in any skill

    “The way to practice is to continually repeat, stacking small chunks layer by layer until mastering the big chunk (whole melody/song).”

    Thank you for sharing Alice.

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