Home work for L2B 20
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- Jan, 12, 2020
- By 张屹磊 张屹磊
- 我的英语写作
Focus words and sentence:
The shirt, the blouse, the jacket,the coat,the dress,the glasses, the watch.
Put on…
Take off…
Throw the dress on the floor.
Hang the dress on the chair.
Hang the dress on the hook on the wall.
Drop something on the someplace.
Step on..
Pick up something
Take the watch out of the box.
Dear headmaster:
We want picture “put on/ the shirt/blouse/jacket/coat/dress/glasses/watch
Take off (just a jock I’ve writing) The shirt/blouse/jacket/coat/dress/glasses/watch “in lessons like this.:
The girl is wear a white shirt and glasses
then it will be a good idea.
Sorry I can’t fond picture like “drop the glasses on the floor.”
Hang the dress on the wall”
“take the watch out of the box.
It’s too difficult to find them
Maybe I think too much to want?