
  1. cure:to make someone well again after they have been ill.

Many types of cancer can now be cured.

  1. mature:someone,especially a child or young person,who is mature behaves in a sensible and reasonable way as you would expect an adult to behave.

Lily is very mature for her age.

  1. manure:waste,matter from animals that is mixed with soil to improve the soil and help plants grow.

Green manure.

  1. pasture:land or a field that is covered with grass and is used for cattle,sheep etc to feed on.

 large areas of rough upland pasture.

  1. lure:to persuade someone to do something,especially something wrong or dangerous,by making it seem attractive or exciting.

People may be lured into buying tickets by clever advertising.

Making a story using these words

I made a dream yesterday.I am eighty years old.I need to do many housework.I carried the manure to the pasture.It’s very heavy.I coughed loudly.Maybe I had got a cold.I didn’t have money to cure.I walked slowly with my dog.

Suddenly,My dog became a mature man.I got afraid.

‘Don’t worry.’He said. ‘There are two apples,you choose one.’

‘Why?I don’t like apple.I like pear.’I said.

‘Which one do you like”The red one or the green one?’he asked.

‘The one can make you rich.and other one can make you poor.’He said.

‘Do you lure me?’I said, ‘I like red one.’

Just then,I saw a lot of money dropped from the sky.

When I laughed loudly,my clock ring.

Is it a good dream or bad dream?

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