
  1. collar:the part of a shirt,coat etc that fits around your neck,and is usually folded over.

He grabbed me by the collar.

  1. smother:to kill someone by putting something over their face to stop them breathing.

A teenage mother was accused of something her 3-month-old daughter.

  1. further:a greater distance,or beyond a particular place.

They walked a litter further.

  1. murder:kill someone deliberately and illegally

The murdered man

  1. sword:a weapon with a long pointed blade and a handle.

I have a sword.

Making a story using these words

I watched the movie yesterday.

The murdered man was found by the policeman in his house.His collar didn’t have blood.The policeman couldn’t find anything.He need to call his colleague.

When he walked a little further.A dog scream loudly.The policeman went towards the dog.He saw a baby stopped her breathing,she was smothered in the black bag,and the sword beside her.I got afraid.so I turned off the TV.I don’t know what happen in the end.


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