
  1. skull:the bones of a person’s or animal’s head.

She buys a skull key.She thinks it can give her lucky,but her friend doesn’t think so.She hides on the bottom of the bag.she worries about her friend throw it.

  1. scone:a small round cake,somethings containing dried fruit,which is usually eaten with butter.

I haven’t eaten scone that I read the book with this picture which looks nice,but I don’t know whether it is yummy.maybe in the future,I can try to buy it to taste.

  1. ski:to move on skis for sport or in order to travel on snow or water.

I haven’t seen the snow in my life,but I know person if first time learning to ski,they will fall and scream many times.

  1. skate:to move on skates

In winter,parents will take their children to skate.and some couple like to do it.It’s romantic.

  1. skill:an ability to do something well ,especially because you have learned and practised it.

Learning English skill is important that we need to practice more and more.How to do is true,maybe you need to think about this question.


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