

  1. intonation:the way in which the level of your voice changes in order to add meaning to what you are saying,for example by going up at the end of a question.

My sister follows the video to speak the English book every morning,and now her intonation is almost perfect.

  1. accurate -accurately

Correct and true in every detail

My sister and I is eating a bowl of instant egg noodles together ,or more accurately,we don’t have money to buy another one,we lost our luggage and wallet.

  1. inhale:breathe in air,smoke,or gas.

When we do pilates,the coach always teach me how exhale and inhale.

  1. posture:the way you position your body when sitting or standing.

Good posture is important for health.

  1. slump:to fall or learn against something because you are not strong enough to stand.

Lily has worked for a long time.suddenly she feels headache and slump on the floor.It’s very dangerous.


  1. proceed – proceeded – proceeded

In everyday English,people usually say go ahead rather than proceed.

To continue to do something that has already been planned or started.

She answers her child’s question and proceed to watch her movie.

2.hurdle:a problem or difficulty that you must deal with before you can achieve something.

When you get over the fist hurdle of driving,maybe you will think driving is not difficult.

3.element:one part or feature of a whole system,plan,piece of work etc,especially one that is basic or important.

Learning English has four elements-reading,listening,speaking and writing.


Having no mistakes

My son answers correctly to me there are eight dogs at the park,he is only three years old.

5.explanation:the reasons you give for why something happened or why you did something.

His explanation is that he doesn’t like this job,therefore he quit.


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