Importance of Good Pronunciation (Lesson476)

On the last page of chapter 6, the author emphasized his point that good pronunciation is important for a language learning. Of course, the point is correct. I agree with this idea too.

Actually, the pronunciation is more important in daily life. In China, there are many pronunciations in different places in the local language. These native language are so different. As I mentioned above, because I live in south of China, my native language system is called “Wu Yu Family”. The pronunciation is very different from Mandarin Chinese, and it’s just like japanese style. It has five tones, as opposed to the four tones in Mandarin Chinese. Then the native people sometimes jokes that I didn’t go abroad but seemed to speak a foreign language abroad. As Shanghai native language, called shanghainese, it also belongs to this language family.

In fact, as long as you really live the native place, you will find the fact that sometimes it’s important to pronunce in the native language accurately. At first, even if Mandarin Chinese is a official language, locals are still more accustomed to using their native language. Using Mandarion Chinese you can communicate with each other. But using the native language you can immerse yourself in native life. I think there are two lifestyle.

Good pronunciation is often a sign of learning a foreign language well. Because the essence of language is communication. And the daily communication is a large part of it. At first, you have to understand what the other person is saying. Then the basis of understanding is that you have the concept of good pronunciation. As the author says, the other person say something in a language, and you can match it from your brain. You understand the meaning ,then talk about your opinion in a language. This is process is a good communication. Even if you can communicate in words, it’s better to communicate with your pronunciation so that you can avoid a lot of misunderstanding.

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