Language to body 74-78

There was a poor family in the past. The parents gave a birth to a child. The child was talented in paint. Although his parents couldn’t afford the tools for drawing, he drew what he saw on the surface of soil using sticks on a daily basis. His painting was so vivid that people always couldn’t tell the differences between his works and the real things.

One day, an elderly man told him that he would give the boy a tool for drawing for boy’s super talent in drawing and then, he brought a versatile pen used any type of pictures such as sketch, oil painting and water color painting. The little boy accepted without hesitation. When he held the pen on his hand, his eyes shined brightly. He thanked the old man with exciting tone. After the boy came back to home, he saw one teaspoon on the dinning room table. He drew the same teaspoon on the wall very quickly. Beyond his expectation, the picture of the teaspoon became real. The real teaspoon fell down to the floor. His father, his mother and he were so amazed by the phenomenon. To check what was going on, the boy managed to draw more teaspoons on the wall. It was the same. All teaspoons on the wall became the real things which could be used in daily life. The boy realized that who he had met was a magical man, and due to his talent of drawing, the old man had awarded the spectacular pen to him. At noon, mother started to prepare the meals. As there was no oven at home, she informed his child of drawing an oven. The boy drew an oven on the wall which he had seen on the television. Within a minute, the oven was invented. Although his mother was shocked, she began to use to oven to roast the chicken-first, slice the chicken into pieces, then place the chicken slices into the roasting pan and next put the roasting pan into the oven, finally, set the oven for 90 minutes. After 90 minutes, the roasted chicken was finished and the smell of chicken was so adorable. Since the boy’s family was in poverty and hadn’t own an oven before, the family tasted the delicious roasting chicken for the first time.

Since the boy had known the super power of the pen, the boy has drawn the pictures of some toys which he had seen in friends’ house, such as a magnifying glass, scissors, a fishtank and a flashlight. Although they are some toys for boys, the boy used them to expend his observing world. He looked at the salt though the magnifying glass, instead of some powder, he could look at many rectangles. He also looked a chill pepper though it, which was also different in normal life. The boy made a paper star with the scissors and put it on the cushion beside the cat to look at the cat’s different reaction. He shined the flashlight at the fish on the fishtank, and the fish’s eyes became bigger. All this daily observation enable the boy to paint things more vivid.

With the time going by, winter came. This winter was colder. In the boy’s home, there was no more sweaters, but it still was still very cold for him. He drew a woolen sweater for himself. After a while, the woolen sweater was in the boy’s body. And this sweater had warm the boy for the whole winter.

Many children around the village heard that the boy had a magical pen. They came to the boy’s home and begged the boy to establish a playground for them. However, the boy had never visited a playground before. He required his friends to describe the playground. Under the children’s description, the picture of a playground came to true. There was a ticket counter at the enter of the playground, and there are several park benches inside to give tired children a short break. In addition, there were many playing sliders to amuse children. The boy’s friends were thrilled by the boy’s magic. They opened their mouths to the biggest. They cannot stop to wait invite their parents to visit this uncredible work.

More and more children came to play in the playground, “Look at smell in their faces.” The boy’s mother said, “It was pure pleasure from their hearts.” From his mother’s words, the boy started to think his passion in the world. The boy thought that Maybe the elderly man giving me the magic pen was giving me a passion to provide a better life to people. Since then, the boy has always to hang out to ask people in the street” What do you want to have?” and he has tried to make people’s dreams come true.

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