Making up situational dialogue ~ I’ll make an appointment for you to see the doctor

The topic of today’s dialogue practice was about getting sick. Based on the course dialogue, I tried to lengthen the situational dialogue and imagine how I would express it under such situation.

A: I’m feeling a little under the weather.
B: Maybe you have a fever. Do you need some medicine?
A: I also feel cold and my stomach is upset.
B: Maybe you have a cold as well.
A: I want to see a doctor.
B: No worries. Have some rest. I’ll make an appointment for you to see the doctor.
A: Thanks a lot !
B: Not at all. I have already completed the appointment. Your appointment number is 31, room 321. Currently the patient with No. 15 is seeing a doctor. So we can go out after half an hour.
A: Okay, it’s very nice of you !

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