Making up situational dialogue ~What is your favorite food?

The topic of today’s dialogue practice was about favorite food . Based on the course dialogue, I tried to lengthen the situational dialogue and imagine how I would express it under such situation.

A: What is your favorite food?
B: My favorite food is Western food.
A: I don’t like Western food. I prefer Chinese food.
B: I like Chinese food too.  What do you want to eat? Noodles or rice?
A: hmmm… I want to eat noodles today.
B: Alright, let’s get some noodles.

A : There are beef noodles and pork pickled mustard green noodles.  Which one do you want ?
B : I want beef noodles.
A : Me too ! Let’s order some braised snacks.
B : Great ! I want  braised egg ,kelp and dried tofu.
A: They are very appetising side dishes.

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