My office

This is where I work. I’ll show you around

There are sofas, desks, chairs, computer on the desk, printer on the left of the computer, and bookcases.

we go to the door, the three rooms on the right are sleeping rooms, there are beds, cabinets, and some flowers.

Then we turn right and the fourth room is the bathroom.

Ok, let’s move on. Here is the dining room. There are tables and chairs. There are grapes, oranges and apples on the table。There are bowls, spoons and chopsticks, but no forks.

Here is the kitchen, there is a refrigerator, open the door of the refrigerator,

there are celery, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, eggs.

Finally, I would like to introduce my two good friends, they are Baobao and Amy, the Baobao is Amy’s mother, Amy is also a girl, I am very happy with them.

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