some insights

Today, I saw a blog diary from someone. some idea she said that is match my experience

but for my observation, I wanted to add some new discover on the same issue. the speed of you read an sentences(something else)are not the same speed as you say it out. this is real, of course. We are got to practicing my mouth to make those sound right. the other hand, to became smoothly to convey, we also can do on look at someone write or speak english, and find something that can used by us to increasing our solid.this is really have a point.i often fail to convey a sentence when i limted by some words. its lead me not able to follow. but there are sometime i can its i take other way to express. this give me a reason for why to do it

it been a long time since i leaning english. i found that i can bring out some feeling when i say english. i do know that its right, and i had on the way to have a feel for how to say and write, even just on simple contend

but i am expland my core day by day.

2 Responses so far.

  1. 龙飞虎 Chris says:

    It is fantastic to hear that you are expanding your core day by day. Very good.

    It’s also great that you can express some of your feelings when you speak English. As you say, “I can bring out some feeling when I say English”.

    It’s very good to read other people’s blogs. From every blog you can find new things that you didn’t know before.

    There is an old Chinese saying: When three people are together one of them is my teacher. How do you say that in Chinese, do you know?

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